Kenn Elliott Commercial Photography
. the newsroom studio . . stoddart street . . newcastle upon tyne ne2 1an . . 0775 4466 739

             aerial video & photography  -  terrestrial  -  tuition  -

dash and splash

Lessons are pitched at your level of ability and after consolidating your grasp of basics in the Foundation Course where you break out of auto and become familiar with your camera.

This is Professional Photographic Tuition. Modular building blocks of knowledge and it's practical application both on location and in the studio.

Go on to learn about Composition, Flash on and off camera. Night Time photography and Shooting for Action

see a list of available courses here

see testimonials from students here

Photographic Tuition ~ About Kenn Elliott

A teacher of technology National Curriculum experience and four years as a lecturer at Newcastle College. I've been a professional photographer for fourteen years currently shooting aerial video and stills,commercial work, model portfolios .
